Dactylis Glomerata

- Inspite of its weakness to cold, due to its tolarance to draught, high yielding in mild and wet climates, quick development after mowing it is commonly used.
- Bred for the purpose of hay yielding and grazing. Tolarent to shade it can be planted under the trees.
- 60-120cm height, forage plant growing by creating skein on the ground. Leaves place on the bottom. leaves are long, broad and folded.
- Truss flowers. Trusses are 5-20cm long and erect.
- Even though it grows on all type of soil, it is better to grow on soil with loam, clay and good drainage.
- Suitable form mild and moist areas. Development is good in 450mm of rain capacity and fall evenly.
- Tolerant to shade. Can grow in shady place where none can grow, especially under the fruit trees.
- In the areas with annual rain capacity of 300-400mm hay yielding is 200-300kg/de. When the rain capacity increase to 600mm hay yielding is 1mt/de.