Onobrychis Sativa
- Sainfoin is a species of plant that especially grows in Middle and East Anatolian of our country and transition regions.
- Sainfoin, which is very tolerant of cold and draught, grows very well in infertile and lime/calcareous soil where other plants do not grow.
- It is much more productive and fertile from alfalfa when planted in calcareous and dry soils.
- It has high rate of protein and rich in mineral as matter. Sainfoin doesn’t make animal bloated. Therefore, green sainfoin grass can be feed to animals as much as desired.
- When used for grazing of diary cattle the quality of milk and butter will be increased.
- It is a good source for nectar for flower bees.
- It makes the soil rich in nitrogen. It has a well developed root which goes deeper. Can grow in weak and crop soil.
- It is not selective regarding soil, high tolerant to salt.
- On the draught lands the seedling is 3.09kg/dec, wet areas 3.5 kg/de.