Rebel XLR
It has dark green color and It has fine textured and fragile structure than other types of tall fescue.İt is much preferred due to want to low maintenance and high-stress environments easily protect the quality and appearance.
- It has dark green color and compared to other tall fescue types it’s fine-textured.
- The presence of rhizomes to generate a dense grass cover. This reason inhibits the growth of weeds.
- The rhizomes are repaired as soon as possible through the grass plant damaged area.
- Since it has deep root it can last against high temperature and dry weather conditions.
- It grows well in cool and humid areas, high resistance to shade and has excellent resistance to flooding, especially in poorly drained soils
- It has a high resistance to wear.
- It has high adaptation ability. It can get along with any type of soil type. However, it shows higher performance in salt and alkali soil
- It has a dark green color and It keeps its green color for long time. İt hasn’t winter dormancy.